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Media Highlights: February 2017

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B.C. experts gauge bottom line of new drugs

CHÉOS Program Head of Health Economics Dr. Wei Zhang stresses the importance of analyzing the cost-effectiveness of new drugs and adopting economic evaluation into standard analysis.

Read more in Business in Vancouver.

Moral distress in the intensive care unit

CHÉOS Scientist Dr. Peter Dodek discusses his research on what causes health care professionals working in the ICU to feel angry, guilty, and helpless when they are unable to treat patients according to their ethical standards, a phenomenon known as moral distress.
Two papers co-authored by Dr. Dodek recently published in the Journal of Critical Care explore how experiencing moral distress differs among various ICU professionals, and offer recommendations for addressing contributors to moral distress.

Read the interview with Dr. Dodek on CARENET.

Are patient engagement groups missing minority voices?

Patient advisory councils created to engage the public with health care do not always represent population diversity and often lack minority voices, according to Dr. Beth Snow, Scientist and Head of Program Evaluation at CHÉOS. Dr. Snow has conducted research on diversity in patient engagement and developed resources on how to improve it.

Read her comments on the importance of improving engagement with diverse patient populations.

‘Dead-simple’ UBC app pushes people to walk for dementia research—and their health

Walk10Blocks, an app developed by CHÉOS Scientist Dr. Linda Li and collaborators, encourages sedentary people to go for walks—and collects data as they walk. The app is part of a study that explores how exercise impacts dementia, joint, and cardiovascular health.

Read more at CBC News.

From SALOME to RUTH to the streets

“We need to meet patients where they are, and offer alternatives so they will stay engaged in care,” says CHÉOS Scientist Dr. Eugenia Oviedo-Joekes. A researcher in addiction medicine, Dr. Oviedo-Joekes discusses her work on treatments for opioid addiction, specifically the Research on the Utilization of Therapeutic Hydromorphone (RUTH) study. RUTH is a follow up to Dr. Oviedo-Joekes’ findings in the Study to Assess Longer-term Opioid Medication Effectiveness (SALOME), published last summer in JAMA Psychiatry.

Read more on the St. Paul’s Foundation website.

The price tag on America’s health care?

In a report comparing health care spending in Canada and the U.S., CHÉOS Scientist and Hypertension Canada President Dr. Nadia Khan talks to MSNBC Correspondent Jacob Soboroff about preventative care in Canada.

Watch just after the 2:00 mark.