Health Economics
Health economics is an integration of economic theories and methods with health policies, services, and practices.
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Integrating economic theories and methods with health policies, services, and practices
Our team of high-ranking health economists design studies in health economics; conduct economic evaluations of various health interventions; perform systematic reviews and meta-analyses commonly required in cost-effectiveness decision-analytic modelling; measure and value health; and evaluate health policies, such as drug pricing regulations.
Publications per Year
Health Economists
Areas of Focus

About the Program
Our team of health economists design studies; conduct economic evaluations of various health interventions; perform systematic reviews and meta-analysis; measure and value health; and evaluate health policies, such as drug pricing regulations.
The team has also developed instruments to measure and value the impact of health on patients and their caregivers’ work productivity, which enables employers and payers to understand the broader economic impact of health interventions.
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Our team of health economists has worked in a wide range of disease areas, treatment types, and health systems. They conduct their own research projects at Advancing Health as well as provide their services to external researchers.
Additionally, health care is undergoing a dramatic shift as a result of personalized medicine—emerging technologies that incorporate the use of genomic information into treatment decision-making. The need to evaluate these technologies, for both clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness, is exponentially increasing, and Advancing Health health economists are adapting quickly to this emerging trend.
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Examples of Our Projects
The primary research and methodology areas our Health Economics program undertakes are:
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Advancing Health Scientists work across a broad range of disciplines, from health economics to personalized medicine, to decision sciences and much more.
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