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BC Kidney Days

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BC Kidney Days is an event designed for multidisciplinary, renal care that brings together clinicians and administrators from across B.C., other parts of Canada, U.S. to discuss latest research, trends, clinical treatments, and surgical breakthroughs in kidney patient care. This year’s theme is Personalised Kidney Care and will take place on November 1 at the Parq Hotel in downtown Vancouver.

CHÉOS Scientist Dr. Adeera Levin, who is the Executive Director of the BC Renal Agency, will provide an update about the organization. Dr. Monica Beaulieu, CHÉOS Scientist and chair of the Provincial Kidney Care (KCC) Committee will also deliver an update. Dr. Jag Gill, also a CHÉOS Scientist, will be presenting on increased risk donors. Specifically, he will be reviewing the benefit of deceased kidney transplantation and the risks and benefits of kidney transplantation with kidneys from increased risk donors, who, based on demographic or behavioural characteristics, may be at increased risk of transmitting certain pathogens such as HIV, HCV, and HBV.

There are also a number of poster viewing and oral presentation sessions. CHÉOS’ Dr. Sean Barbour leads a team, which includes Dr. Gill, that is presenting on the validation of self-reported race in the Patient Records and Outcome Management Information System (PROMIS), the BC Renal Agency’s renal care information system. Dr. Beaulieu is a team member on two abstracts: prescription patterns in dialysis patients and evaluating chronic kidney disease (CKD) symptom management guidelines. Dr. Levin is also a team member on two abstracts, one involves palliative care in CKD and one involves measurement protocols for total kidney volume.

The full program for the event is available here. CHÉOS Scientists have presented at past Kidney Days including Drs. Levin, Gill, and John Gill. For more information on BC Kidney Days and the BC Renal Agency, visit
