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Five scientists win award from MSFHR

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CHÉOS Scientists lead three of the 16 teams awarded funding from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) 2018 Convening & Collaborating (C2) Competition.

The award will help Drs. Amy Salmon, Annalijn Conklin, Chris Richardson, Karin Humphries, and Skye Barbic bring together teams to address disparities between research knowledge and its practical application.
“This award is a valuable contribution to the knowledge translation of health research in the province,” said Dr. Barbic “Any opportunity for research to effect change in practice and policy is an important step forward.”

The program, which is designed to promote interaction between health researchers and knowledge users, funds research groups that are co-led by researchers, patients, health care professionals, and other stakeholders. The funding is used to support the development and utilization of research in practice or policy.

Dr. Barbic and her team will focus on developing a research plan to evaluate care strategies in borderline personality disorder.

Drs. Richardson and Salmon, together with researchers from Dalhousie University and the University of Stirling in Scotland, will study families and substance use treatment.

Drs. Conklin and Humphries are co-leading a team focusing on participatory, community-based research to improve heart health in Indigenous women.

Last year two CHÉOS research teams were funded by the C2 Program. Read more about the 2017 projects here.
