The Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences (CHÉOS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Amy Salmon to the role of Associate Director, Academic, Community, and Systems Engagement.
In this role, Dr. Salmon will support, promote, and facilitate the innovative research and knowledge mobilization projects taking place at CHÉOS and develop new opportunities for faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students, among other initiatives.

“I am looking forward to expanding connections between the Centre and our research, community, and private sector partners to support our expansion and to get CHÉOS research into the right hands,” said Dr. Salmon. “The evidence created at CHÉOS is positioned to inform a wide range of policy and health-related decisions and I am excited to promote the field-leading work taking place here.”
Established in 1998, CHÉOS is jointly affiliated with the Providence Health Care Research Institute and the UBC Faculty of Medicine. The Centre is comprised of 130+ staff and over 75 Scientists, including renowned experts in their fields who draw from a significant base of individual and collaborative research experience at the local, national, and international levels.
Dr. Salmon has been a Scientist at CHÉOS since 2016 and is the Centre’s Program Head for Knowledge Translation. Her research program aims to understand and improve the mobilization of research evidence through implementation science and knowledge translation approaches, with a focus on health systems and services interventions supporting individuals with integrated health and social care needs.
Dr. Salmon recently led the developmental evaluation of Providence Living’s Megamorphosis project, which aimed to transform the culture of care for people living with dementia to be more person and relationship centered. Dr. Salmon’s evaluation aimed to assess the impacts of Megamorphosis on patients, families, staff and administrators, while guiding the ongoing implementation of the project. She is now assisting Providence Living in their new Dementia Village in Comox, a care site that will take the unique needs of people living with dementia into the very design and structure of the facility.
“Dr. Salmon has consistently shown exceptional research and operational expertise and we are delighted to have her take on this new leadership role at CHÉOS,” said Dr. Aslam Anis, Director of CHÉOS. “Her experience working across and within several sectors of the health care system will be an invaluable asset as we help position our researchers to inform decision making.”
Dr. Salmon is a Clinical Associate Professor at UBC’s School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) and serves as the FLEX Site Co-Director for the Vancouver-Fraser Medical Program, a series of core courses that offer medical students unique opportunities to pursue scholarship in academic, clinical, and community settings. She will continue to serve in her current roles at CHÉOS and UBC in addition to her new role as CHÉOS Associate Director.