The most recent round of CIHR funding announcements brought with it some positive news for CHÉOS trainees.
Logan Trenaman, who is supervised in his PhD by Dr. Nick Bansback, received a three-year postdoctoral fellowship for his project “Evaluating the impact of a financial incentive for shared decision-making on lung cancer screening rates in the US Medicare population”, at the University of California at Davis.
Dr. Clayon Hamilton received funding to continue his postdoctoral fellowship with CHÉOS’ Dr. Linda Li. Dr. Hamilton previously held a postdoctoral award from MSFHR — his project is titled “Developing and testing of the Patient Engagement In Research Scale”. His project was developed with Arthritis Research Canada’s Arthritis Patient Advisory Board members, including CHÉOS Research Associate Alison Hoens.
Dr. Nicole Tsao, who was co-supervised during her PhD by CHÉOS’ Dr. Larry Lynd, received a three-year fellowship to conduct her research at the Harvard Program on Perinatal and Pediatric Pharmacoepidemiology and Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
Some PhD funding was also handed out through the Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships. Mahammadali Nikoo is currently completing his PhD with Dr. Michael Krausz — his project is titled “Comparing Opium Tincture and Methadone for Medication-Assisted Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder”. Javiera Pumarino, supervised by Dr. Chris Richardson, received a scholarship in support of her PhD project “Influence of mental health disorders and their management on adult functioning outcomes among emerging adults with a history of out-of-home care: a quantitative and qualitative study”.
Congratulations to everyone! For more information about the funding announcement, see the CIHR website.