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2018 Practice-based Research Challenge proposals

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The project teams for the 2018 PHC Practice-based Research Challenge recently presented their proposals.

This annual challenge, which is led by CHÉOS Research Associate Aggie Black, provides an introduction to research for front-line staff at PHC. Award recipients work with mentors and conduct small-scale practice-relevant research projects. Of the 12 teams who submitted proposals this year, 5 are mentored by a CHÉOS Scientist.

Dr. Sabrina Gill is mentoring a team that will be looking at the effect of nitrogen bisphosphonate on vitamin E levels in adults with cystic fibrosis; this study team also includes CHÉOS’ Dr. Shirin Kalyan.

Dr. Sandra Lauck is mentoring two proposed studies. The first will qualitatively explore nurses’ experiences of caring for patients experiencing delirium after open heart surgery. The second will look at how patients and their caregivers report changes in health following a heart valve procedure.

Dr. Martha Mackay is mentoring a team of clinicians from the Heart Centre at St. Paul’s. The team will explore an alternative care model for people with heart failure who are unable to attend the Heart Failure Clinic due to substance use disorder and/or mental health challenges.

Dr. Rick Sawatzky is mentoring a team that will investigate patient-identified educational needs, facilitators, and inhibitors for new hemodialysis patients.

The successful teams will be announced in August. Last year, Drs. Skye BarbicJoseph Puyat, and Annalijn Conklin served as mentors for several project teams.

The majority of project teams that submit a qualitative proposal consult with CHÉOS staff for the design of their study. CHÉOS staff are also involved in assisting teams with the data analysis stage of their projects. Learn more about the challenge on the PHC Professional Practice website.
