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CHÉOS Scientists Receive CIHR Project Grants

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CHÉOS Scientists were successful in securing funding through the CIHR Project Grant Competition. The results for the Fall 2017 competition were released on January 24, 2018. The Project Grant Program approved 512 research grants and 33 bridge grants, for a total of $372 million awarded.

Dr. Jagbir Gill received five years of funding to study the utility of coronary artery disease screening in patients on the waiting list for kidney transplantation. Depending on the findings, the research will either improve our management of waitlist patients or save health care resources by minimizing unnecessary screening in this population. CHÉOS’ Dr. John Gill is a member of the study team as a co-investigator.

Dr. Skye Barbic will lead a team which includes Dr. Steve Mathias as a principal investigator and Drs. Aslam Anis and Hubert Wong as co-investigators. Their research will test the effectiveness of a 16-week intervention to facilitate improved employment, education, health, and quality of life for youth with mental illness. The intervention itself was developed in conjunction with youth leaders, the YMCA, and the Inner City Youth Clinic.

Dr. Rick Sawatzky will serve as a principal investigator on a grant awarded to researchers at the University of Calgary entitled “Including patient voice in healthcare system performance: Development of patient-centred care indicators“.

Other CHÉOS Scientists — Drs. Nick Bansback, Peter Dodek (3 projects), Devin Harris, John Staples, Adeera Levin, Linda Li (3 projects), Chris Richardson (2 projects), Joel Singer (2 projects), and Hubert Wong — are co-investigators on other projects that received funding through this program.

To read more about the Project Grant results, please see the CIHR website. Registration for the next round of Project Grants are due by February 6 and applications will be due March 6.


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